Venus and Mars Plan the Budget ~ 1 Jan 2014

Happy New Year One and All... Gregorian Style from my time zone. May 2014 be the best year yet... and may it commence with optimism, enthusiasm and the spickets on the pipeline of creativity full open.

So let’s address one of the early aspects of the year that could adversely thicken the hasty pudding and slow the sense of early progress and wilt inspiration. With Venus retrograde in Capricorn and Mars presently marching on through Libra, a square between the personal planets that bracket Earth soon forms. As the planet of desire tangos with the planet of action, needs and wants tangle with the budget that life requires to manifest. The question becomes, that’s what is needed or wanted, but how in the world will that get funded? After all, with Uranus, ruling the collective, and Pluto ruling other peoples’ money, the luster has long faded from the overly saturated realm of crowd funding platforms.

To ease frustrations, consider a few of the lesser known patterns involving newer planets that work to shift attitudes and define grander objectives.

On the 6th of January Ceres in Libra squares Venus in Capricorn. Ceres is the ultimate advocate. When thinking personally, Ceres refines the importance and essentiality of one’s aspirations, especially when a cause is involved, or if an objective promises to correct a social or economic injustice. Says Ceres, locate the pure motive behind your aspirations, formulate a clear picture of the good your effort can create and stay within the lines of just behavior. With Ceres in Libra, the project ends up benefitting others even though the initial aspiration may be self referential.

Ceres will have to quiet the current Capricorn Scroogeness of Venus. Venus will ask if an agenda proponent knows how much it will cost and how long it will take. Forget about trying to find competent workers who can bring a project in on time and withing budget. Certainly Venus will argue, “Do you how much this will cost if we do this?” Ceres must counter with, “Do you know how much it will cost if we do not do this... and do this now?”

Venus goes for the shut down with, “Where will the money come from?” Ceres replies, “I don’t know yet. I’m refining the budget so it’s something everyone can live with and so everyone, no matter how naysaying their nature, can find merit within the cause.”

Venus in Capricorn retrograde is gaining ground. Consider that lawmakers in the United States, while passing a budget with relative ease, took a holiday break before renewing critical unemployment benefits for those struggling to find work. So many people bought holiday presents online to avoid crowds and sale mobs that the shipping system overloaded. Combined with cold, wet storms (possibly attributable to Venus), Capricorn could not manifest its time promises. Add to that the tightening of gift return policies this year the evidence of the rarity of Venus retrograde is clear.

What’s a human on Earth to do? First, damn the mood sagging evidence. Use Ceres to locate the cause. Remember that Ceres’ orbital components are Gemini (node) and Virgo (perihelion). The onslaught of emotional negativity can be diverted with reason and logic. Create a clear argument to defeat the fears of feelings and to restore the excitement of overcoming inertia. No matter what those who love you purport in their quest to jam reality all over your purpose, or how loudly your inner critic screams the put downs and criticisms, mental discipline can stop those invalid, non-contextual claims in their tracks!

Armed with logical propositions, get ready with your plan. In five days, on the 11th of January, Venus, the Sun and the Earth align as Venus makes her inferior conjunction with the Sun. Though Venus is retrograde, this day can be used to get things to slip through the cracks in a good way. Prototypical resistance vanishes on this day (and this day only). Write and send proposals even though it is Sunday. Reach out with affirmation and energy if you cannot file the legal paperwork required for permits and licenses and corporations. In your energy outreach program, focus on the fact the keeper of the flame of the hearth, Vesta, and the Hawaiian goddess of creativity, Haumea, align in Libra, squaring the alignment of the second and third planets with the Sun.

The spark is there. Haumea not only possessed unlimited creativity and fertility, she birthed Pele, the source of red-hot lava from within. And Haumea held the makalei stick. This magic wood, when placed in the water, summoned fish so that all the people could be fed. Keep the spark alive, then energy flows. Enthusiasm spreads and seeps over the collective consciousness. People feed on the vibe and rally around the cause.

Vesta adds orbital elements in the signs of Cancer and Sagittarius. Know that the cornerstone of nurturing and need comes from the strongest of philosophies and purpose-driven action. Refine as required. Haumea offers orbital guidance from Leo and Aries. There’s that thing of self-assurance and confidence that helps spark positive response from those in the position to alter your fate in a grand way. Keep in mind, though, that arrogance or bombastic boasting will be sniffed out as insecurity and incompetence and the planting of a minefield of life activity.

Finally, Venus retrograde squares Mars direct on the 16th. This square is hot. It is full of unabated passion, drive and lust for successful completion of the actions commenced within the pattern. But Mars can bore (or tire) quickly. He’s really good at getting it going, but when it comes to long term sustenance, he’s not as stellar. Mars is in Libra; Venus is in Capricorn. Once rolling, can tasks be delegated to the most effective competence level? Can a team be built in which everyone feels purposeful? Is the mission clearly defined and are the participants clear of benefits, especially those deferred? Is everyone being treated fairly? Perhaps the most important of all: Is everyone clear that Rome was not built in a day?

About a month and a half later Venus, now direct in Capricorn, squares Mars again, just after he turns retrograde, on March 2nd. Really this date should be the first actual assessment date for evidence of progress in 2014. Give the year a chance to get going and others a chance to catch up with their own brand of personal planet retrograde mini-dramas. Let the pudding thicken. With all good pots on the stove, keep the heat just right, and the stirring constant.

More soon.

Again Happy New Year to you all. Thank you for your ongoing interest and support.